Cauliflower Ware

Cauliflower Ware

  • Type: Refined earthenware, creamware
  • Date range: c.1760-1780
  • Place of origin: England

The term "cauliflower ware" was applied to several different pottery designs. The ware displays a moulded cauliflower and leaves decoration with green paint or glaze applied to the leaves. In the latter part of the 18th century, Josiah Wedgewood began production of the pieces that resembled cauliflowers, pineapples and other natural fruits. The fruit design is found on the exterior of the ceramic vessel. Excavated examples have a creamware body.

The ware was copied by the European majolica makers in the last half of the 19th century, and the ware was also produced in the United States.

See Kovel and Kovel 1967: 21


Photo: Cauliflower ware sherds - cauliflower leave

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