J. Fowler


Jonathan Fowler
Anthropology Department

Saint Mary's University

Halifax, NS B3H 3C3

DPhil (Oxford), Professor. Archaeology and colonialism; landscape archaeology; material culture and identity; archaeological geophysics; public archaeology.

Office: MS226
Phone: 902-420-5631
Email: jonathan.fowler@smu.ca

Selected Articles & Reports

Fowler, Jonathan. 2024. Looking Sideways at Old Acadie. Rural Delivery vol. 48 no. 7, pp. 12-13.

Fowler, J. 2023. Remote Sensing Field School Geophysical Surveys, 2023 Report: HRP A2023NS076. Halifax: Nova Scotia Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage.

Fowler, J. 2023. Fort Edward Street Archaeological Resource Impact Assessment, Preliminary Testing: HRP A2023NS178. Halifax: Nova Scotia Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage.

Fowler, J. 2022. Naught But Tradition Remains? Multi-Instrument Geophysics and the Recovery of the Landscape of Grand-Pré. ISAP News: Newsletter of the International Society for Archaeological Prospection, Vol. 76 (December), pp. 18-23.

Fowler, J. 2022. Onslow Island Cemetery Ground-Penetrating Radar Survey, HRP A2022NS109. Halifax: Nova Scotia Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage.

Fowler, J. 2022. Fort Edward Street Archaeological Resource Impact Assessment, HRP A2022NS013. Halifax: Nova Scotia Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage. 

Fowler, J. and Lewis, R. 2022. Investigations at the Shubenacadie Indian Residential School Site: HRP A2021NS080. Halifax: Nova Scotia Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage. 

Fowler, J. 2021. How well does Netflix’s The Dig sift archaeological fact from fantasy? The Chronicle Herald, Feb. 19. 

Fowler, J. and Corbley, K. 2021. The Use of Airborne Lidar to Visualize History in 3DGIM International issue 5, pp. 36-38. 

Guiry, Eric, Noël, Stéphane, and Fowler, J. 2021. Archaeological herbivore δ13C and δ34S provide a marker for saltmarsh use and new insights into the process of 15N-enrichment in coastal plants. Journal of Archaeological Science vol. 125, pp. 1-9. 

Fowler, J. 2020. Albion Mines Foundry Ground-Penetrating Radar Survey: HRP ANS2020100. Halifax: Nova Scotia Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage.

Fowler, J. 2020. As a fishing dispute in N.S. sees no swift end, it wasn’t always this wayCBC Nova Scotia, Sept. 27.  

Fowler, J. 2020. Of Middens and Wayward Rabbits. Rural Delivery vol. 45 no. 3, September, pp. 18-20. 

Fowler, J. 2020. Forests on the Ocean Floor. Atlantic Forestry Review vol. 26 no. 6, July-August, pp. 39-40. 

Fowler, J. 2020. Ground-Penetrating Radar and Acadian Graves at Grand-Pré. American-Canadian Genealogist, issue 157, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 21-26.  

Fowler, J. 2020. Multi-Instrument Geophysical Survey in Horton Town Plot. Heritage Research Permit A2020NS022. Halifax: Nova Scotia Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage.

Fowler, J. 2020. Thousands of people are buried under downtown Halifax. What are they owed? CBC Nova Scotia, Feb. 23. 

Fowler, J., Robichaud, A., and Laroque, C. 2018. Dating the Morris House: A Study of Heritage Value in Halifax, Nova ScotiaNortheast Historical Archaeology vol. 47, pp. 161-86. 



Fowler, J. and Lockerby, E. (forthcoming) Diaries of the Acadian Deportations Volume 2: John Winslow at Grand-Pré. Kentville: Gaspereau Press.

Erickson, Paul, and Fowler, Jonathan (eds.) 2013 Underground New Brunswick: Stories of Archaeology. Halifax: Nimbus 

Erickson, Paul, and Fowler, Jonathan (eds.) 2010 Underground Nova Scotia: Stories of Archaeology . Halifax: Nimbus

Fowler, Jonathan and Lockerby, Earle 2013 Diaries of the Acadian Deportations Volume 1: Jeremiah Bancroft at Fort Beauséjour and Grand-Pré. Kentville: Gaspereau Press.



Fowler, Jonathan 2018 The Archaeologist's Evangeline: Historical Archaeology in Acadia. In Symonds James and Herva, Vesa-Pekka (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Historical Archaeology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Fowler, Jonathan and Noël, Stéphane 2017 Poetry is Always Truer than History: The Curious Parentage of Acadian Archaeology, in Brooks, A. and Mehler, N. (eds.) The Country Where My Heart Is: Historical Archaeologies of Nationalism and National Identity. Gainesville: University of Florida Press, pp. 37-68.

Fowler, Jonathan 2013 Saint Croix Island, Archaeology, and the Memory of Firsts, in Erickson, Paul, and Fowler, Jonathan (eds.) Underground New Brunswick: Stories of Archaeology. Halifax: Nimbus, pp. 65-73.

Fowler, Jonathan 2012 From Acadians to Planters in the Grand-Pré Area: An Archaeological Perspective, in Henderson, Stephen and Robichaud, Wendy (eds.) The Nova Scotia Planters in the Atlantic World, 1759-1830. Fredericton: Acadiensis Press, pp. 37-61.

Fowler, Jonathan 2010 A Walk Back in Time at Grand-Pré, in Erickson, Paul, and Fowler, Jonathan (eds.) Underground Nova Scotia: Stories of Archaeology. Halifax: Nimbus, pp. 43-54.

Fowler, Jonathan and Ferguson, Rob 2010 Beneath the Blockhouse Floor, in Erickson, Paul, and Fowler, Jonathan (eds.) Underground Nova Scotia: Stories of Archaeology. Halifax: Nimbus, pp. 63-74.



2023  Old maps reveal how much of Point Pleasant Park has been lost to erosion, CBC

2023  Halifax university's technology to help U.S. find missing soldiers on former European battlefields, CBC

2021 The search for graves—and truth—at a Nova Scotia residential school, MacLean's

2021 'A huge task': Search will take time at former Shubenacadie residential school site, CBC

2020 Finding Nova Scotia’s history and future in the drowned forests of the Minas Basin, Halifax Examiner 

2020 Acadian Cemetery at Grand-Pré

2019 Mass graves complicate former Halifax library's futureThe Chronicle Herald

2019 Church project sparks call for Halifax archeology planThe Chronicle Herald

2019 SMU archaeology students investigating mass grave of SS Atlantic victimsHalifax Today

2019 Students sleuthing boundaries of mass grave of 1873 shipwreck victimsCBC News



Archaeology in Acadie



Contact us
Faculty of Arts
Department of Anthropology
Mailing address:
McNally South 218
923 Robie Street
Halifax, NS B3H 3C3