Political Science and Global Development Studies

POLI GDS Cover page

Chair’s Message

Welcome to the Department of Political Science and Global Development Studies at Saint Mary’s! We are a small but mighty department committed to excellence in research and teaching, with students trained and mentored in our BA programs, Honours programs in Political Science and in Global Development Studies (GDS), and MA and PhD programs in GDS. Our faculty members pursue cutting edge research in political science and interdisciplinary studies in the areas of conflict and security, military studies, citizenship and migration studies, environmental politics, carbon trade, far-right politics, trade, food security, development, and so much more. They bring their expertise and intellectual curiosity for understanding and explaining political trends into their classroom, enabling students to discover and debate the issues they care about in every day politics close to home and in far away places. From climate change, to contemporary interstate wars, to polarization in democracies, and anti-feminist backlash, our curriculum is focused on giving students a strong foundation in Political Science and Global Development Studies and giving them research, analytical, and communication tools and practical skills to pursue careers they aspire to. Explore our programs and get to hear from our students and graduates what Political Science at Saint Mary’s did for them, and what is special about the Global Development program at Saint Mary’s.

Dr. Lyubov Zhyznomirska


Learn more about GDS through the "Fair Trade and Free Trade" class at SMU.

Contact us
Department of Political Science and Global Development Studies
Mailing address:
Saint Mary's University
923 Robie Street
Halifax, NS B3H 3C3