Atsushi Narisada

Dr. Atsushi Narisada, Assistant Professor - Profile

Narisada Profile PictureAtsushi Narisada is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology. He received his Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Toronto in 2019.

His research examines the intersections among work, stratification, and health. Within this domain, he is particularly interested in the determinants and consequences of justice evaluations in the workplace. In a separate line of research, he examines cross-national differences in mental health, focusing on differences in the levels, determinants, and consequences of the sense of personal control in North America and East Asian nations.

He is the recipient of the 2020 Best Dissertation Award from the Mental Health Section of the American Sociological Association. His research is published in Social Psychology Quarterly, Society and Mental Health, and Work and Occupations among others. At Saint Mary’s he teaches courses in the sociology of mental health, sociology of work, and quantitative methods.


Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals

Narisada, Atsushi, and Scott Schieman. 2022.  “Not Just About the Money: Which Job Qualities Compensate for Unjust Pay?” Socius 8:1–13

Narisada, Atsushi, Philip J. Badawy, and Scott Schieman. 2021. “Downloaded Work, Sideloaded Work, and Financial Circumstances: The Contemporary Worker’s Experience of Equity and Need Principles.” Social Justice Research 34 (2):146–172.    

Schieman, Scott, and Atsushi Narisada. 2021 “A Less Objectionable Greed? Work-Life Conflict and Unjust Pay during a Pandemic.” Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 71: 1-7. 

Narisada, Atsushi. 2020. “Job Pressure, the Work-Family Interface, and the Sense of Distributive Injustice: An Elaboration of Work-Related Inputs among 21st Century Workers.” Social Psychology Quarterly 83(2):107–128.

Schieman, Scott, Cate Taylor, Atsushi Narisada, and Tetyana Pudrovska. 2020. “Underpaid Boss: Gender, Job Authority, and the Association between Underreward and Depression.” Work and Occupations 47(1):44–82.

Narisada, Atsushi. 2017. “Socioeconomic Status and the Relationship between Under-Reward and Distress: Buffering-Resource or Status-Disconfirmation?” Social Justice Research 30 (3):191-220.

Narisada, Atsushi and Scott Schieman. 2016 “Underpaid but Satisfied: The Protective Functions of Security.” Work and Occupations 43(2):215–255.

Narisada, Atsushi and Scott Schieman. 2016. ““A Quintessentially American Thing?” The Unexpected Link Between Individualistic Values and the Sense of Personal Control.” Society and Mental Health 6(3):147–167. 

Schieman, Scott and Atsushi Narisada. 2014. “In Control or Fatalistically Ruled? The Sense of Mastery among Working Canadians.” Canadian Review of Sociology 51(4):343–374.

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Department of Sociology
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