Evangelia Tastsoglou

Dr. Evangelia Tastsoglou, Professor




Evangelia (Evie) Tastsoglou, Professor, Department of Sociology and Global Development Studies Program at Saint Mary’s University. She has served as president of the Canadian Ethnic Studies Association (2018-2022); president of RC 32 (the Research Committee on Women in Society) of the International Sociological Association (2010-2014), elected member of the International Sociological Association’s Research Council (2014-2018), chairperson of the Department of Sociology and Criminology at Saint Mary’s University (2006-2012), and International Development Studies Coordinator (2017-2021). She is an Adjunct Professor of the Panteion University, Athens, Greece (2018-present); a Fellow of the Jean Monnet European Union Centre of Excellence (JMEUCE), Dalhousie University (2018-present); and a Research Fellow of the Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre for Family Violence Research at the University of New Brunswick (2018-present). She was the recipient of the Saint Mary’s University President’s Award for Excellence in Research (2020).

Education: Dr. Tastsoglou has been educated in Greece (Law Degree; 1981, School of Law, Division of Law, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens); the United States (MA-Ph.D, Combined Degree, Department of Sociology, Boston University, 1990); and Canada (LLM, Law School, Dalhousie University, 2017)

Research and Publications: With sociological and legal training Dr. Tastsoglou has many years of expertise in working with gender and immigrant women in Canada and internationally. As founder and leader of the Gender Domain of the Atlantic Metropolis Centre of Excellence (2003-2013) she led multiple projects on various aspects of migration with a gender-based and intersectional analysis in Atlantic Canada. Her research, published in national and international peer-reviewed venues, engages women, gender, and various aspects of international migration; Canadian immigration and integration; violence, citizenship, transnationalism and diasporas. Among her co-authored and (co)edited volumes are: Women, Migration and Citizenship. Making Local, National and Transnational Connections (Ashgate, 2006); Women, Gender and Diasporic Lives. Labor, Community and Identity in Greek Migrations (Lexington Books, 2009); Contours of Citizenship: Women, Diversity and the Practice of Citizenship (Ashgate, 2010); Immigrant Women in Atlantic Canada. Challenges, Negotiations, Re-constructions (Canadian Scholars’ Press / Women’s Press, 2011); The Warmth of the Welcome: Is Atlantic Canada a Home away from Home for Immigrants? (Cape Breton University Press, 2015); Interrogating Gender, Violence, and the State in National and Transnational Contexts, in Current Sociology Monograph Series (Vol. 64:4, July 2016); The Contributions and Constraints of Contemporary Immigration and Citizenship. Commemorating Canada’s 150 Years. Special Issue of Canadian Ethnic Studies. Vol. 49.3.2017; Transnational, Feminist and Intersectional Perspectives on Immigrants and Refugees in Canada, a Special Issue of Canadian Ethnic Studies (51(3): 1-182, 2019). Latest publications include: Gender-Based Violence in Migration: Interdisciplinary, Feminist and Intersectional Approaches (with J. Freedman and N. Sahraoui; Palgrave-Macmillan, 2022) and Gender, Violence and Forced Migration, in Frontiers in Human Dynamics – Refugees and Conflict (2021, Open Access).

She is currently the PI of the Canadian team of researchers in the multi-year CIHR-funded project “Violence against Women Migrants and Refugees: Analyzing Causes and Effective Policy Response”, part of an international project funded by the Gender-Net Plus Cofund and co-PI of an interdisciplinary NFRF-E two-year project on “Visual Analytics for Text-Intensive Social Science Research on Immigration.”

Teaching: Dr. Tastsoglou has been teaching in recent years: Gender and International Migration; Women, Gender and Development; Classical Sociological Theory; Immigration Law and Policy Practicum; Contemporary Sociological Theory; Sociological Theory; Forced Migration and Refugees; Gender, Violence and Migration.



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Department of Sociology
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